How much does an EA earn in Australia

With the rising cost of living that many are feeling at the moment, it is relevant and appropriate to think about your earning power and what you can do to increase it.Did you know the difference in pay between an Executive Assistant and a Senior Executive Assistant can be as much as ~ $35k/year!?Of course, the salary of an EA can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the location, industry, company size, and experience level but it’s also true that EAs who possess specialised skills or knowledge can command higher salaries.If you are an Executive Assistant looking to advance to a Senior Executive Assistant role this year, here are 6 intentional steps you can take:👉 Gain more experience: Take on more responsibilities in your current role and look for opportunities to expand your skill set. Seek out additional training or professional development opportunities to help you build the skills you need to succeed as a Senior EA.👉 Demonstrate your value: Show your employer that you are a valuable asset to the organisation, look for opportunities to take on additional responsibilities or lead initiatives that can help you demonstrate your value and prepare you for a Senior EA role.👉 Communicate effectively: Work on improving your communication skills, and be proactive in communicating with Execs and other stakeholders in your organisation.👉 Build relationships: Build strong working relationships with the Execs you support, as well as other key stakeholders in your organisation. This can help you identify opportunities to add value in your role.👉 Network: Connect with other EAs, both within and outside of your organisation. Attend industry events, join EA memberships, and participate in online forums to expand your network and gain insights.👉 Develop leadership skills: A Senior EA is often called upon to lead and manage other administrative staff. Look for opportunities to take on leadership roles, such as leading a project or training new hires.Overall, advancing to a Senior EA role requires a combination of experience, skills, and most importantly a proactive approach to professional development.

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